Indian red
Indian red

indian red

These supplies were not accounted for properly or numerically verified.Certain Red Cross officials were involved in misuse of relief supplies donated for Bangladesh refugees amounting to 'crores of rupees'.

indian red

Ram Singh produced mountains of letters, telex messages, minutes of meetings, and other documents, none of which effectively backs up their accusations.Īllegations: Since the list of allegations against the IRC would run into pages, India Today has only concentrated on those that are of a serious nature, and carefully scrutinized all documents (in original) pertaining to them. Unfortunately, no matter how sincere and genuine the accusers come across in their verbal attacks against Red Cross, they have so far failed to produce any conclusive evidence in support of the more serious allegations against the Red Cross. In addition to these three, there are a number of MPs and smaller pawns who have joined the fray. Bhatia was also IRCs deputy secretary till he was retired from his post without achieving his self-confessed ambition to take over as secretary general - the executive head of IRC. Ram Singh was IRCs deputy secretary until his services were terminated by Red Cross in May 1976, and Col. Maitra, and the joint secretary, Ajit Bhowmick. Mrs Fernandes and Ram Singh - 'The Red Cross offices are polluted.'The "bloody crooks," she constantly referred to in her tirade against Red Cross, are its current chairman, S. So far, however, every single report has been totally one-sided, largely because the publishers in question have not felt the need to ascertain the true facts, and also because IRC officials have inexplicably declined to publicly defend themselves against the allegations. Originating in August 1972, the accusations have appeared in one form or another in almost every major newspaper and periodical in the country, and have recently rapidly accelerated in both intensity and volume. IRC, however, has become the target of a vicious barrage of accusations ranging from the highly-slanderous to the ludicrous. Voluntary organizations like the Red Cross, being autonomous bodies, have been traditionally vulnerable to mud-slinging campaigns against their operations and their personnel. In the turbulent aftermath of the 1971 Bangladesh war, which ironically represented the largest-ever relief operation undertaken by any national Red Cross agency, the IRC has been inexorably drawn into the vortex of a snowballing controversy that now poses a grave threat to its functioning and its future.

Indian red